Kolejny spory skok inflacji w Polsce Dane GUS nie pozostawiają złudzeń

Na razie Ministerstwo Finansów oraz resort klimatu i środowiska zapowiadają przedłużenie mrożenia cen od stycznia 2025 r. Spadła inflacja na Łotwie, a w przypadku Litwy spadek wyniósł aż 18,4 p.p. W gronie krajów o najwyższym spadku inflacji znalazła się również Belgia, gdzie wzrost cen wyhamował o 11,4 p.p. Będzie podwyższona przez cały 2023 r. I… Continua a leggere Kolejny spory skok inflacji w Polsce Dane GUS nie pozostawiają złudzeń

United States ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI

Respondents are asked to ONLY report on U.S. operations for the current month. ISM® receives survey responses throughout most of any given month, with the majority of respondents generally waiting until late in the month to submit responses to give the most accurate picture of current business activity. ISM® then compiles the report for release… Continua a leggere United States ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI

What is the Best Time to Buy Cryptocurrency? Overview

Users can also access trading fee discounts when holding the exchange’s native token, BMX. Mobile app users can buy, sell, trade, and earn interest on their crypto, as well as pay with crypto. Our team reviewed 28 cryptocurrency exchanges and collected over 1000 data points before selecting our top choices. The top picks were selected… Continua a leggere What is the Best Time to Buy Cryptocurrency? Overview

What Is an IPO? How an Initial Public Offering Works

The bidders who were willing to pay the highest price are then allocated the shares available. Rigid leadership and governance by the board of directors can make it more difficult to retain good managers willing to take risks. Instead of going public, companies may also solicit bids for a buyout. Initially, the price of the IPO is usually set… Continua a leggere What Is an IPO? How an Initial Public Offering Works